3...2...1...BLAST OFF!

3...2...1...BLAST OFF!

The launch. The day we marched forward. March 4th, 2023 was nothing short of incredible.  We are thrilled with how things have started. Steady stream of orders, lots of wonderful customers and little sleep.  WHAT MORE COULD WE ASK FOR!? By day, you will find us working hard, helping the kids with homework, being their taxi service from one sport to another, making dinner (we do LOVE to cook!) and catching up on our family TV shows prior to bed time.  By night, you will find us down in the roastery packaging away and preparing orders for delivery and drop off. The smell of coffee roasting is a constant throughout our house, as is the caffeine intake.

I think my favorite part of all of this is the learning aspect.  Our learning is in overdrive!  Sure, we know how to roast coffee but we have never run a small business.  The creativity and ideas that come on a daily basis are fruitful!  Kind of like our drop of the Guatemalan roast.  Fruity and sweet!  This is exactly what we set out to do. Let the science and creativity brew and let it produce a wonderful product that SAC is proud of.  

Word of mouth has been incredible. Facebook comments and questions even got us our first press! When WBZ Boston hears of your new business and your biotech to roaster story and calls you at 9pm asking an interview the next day you run outside and make snow angels in your pajamas with the fam.  Listen to the interview here.

Thanks to all for a positive and momentous beginning.  We're reveling in this initial momentum, and making sure to celebrate the success along the way. It's fun. It's hard. It's a true learning experience. But, trust us when we say we are elated to stay awhile!




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